(her life)
"Jana Debusk is a wildly soulful performer. She's about connecting people. Her ability to bring personal narratives and individual experiences into sharp focus, while simultaneously expressing these details as universally human is such a rare gift. Her passion to experience and live with cultural groups different from her own so that this specific gift might be deepened is inspiring. "
7 states. 6 years in the City. 15 countries. Hundreds of stories. From scripted to scriptless. Broke to bountiful, guts to gratefulness. Nature, cosmos, interconnectedness. Exploration to stagnation and sudden elation! The human existence is a marvelous work of art and this is where Jana DeBusk draws her inspiration.
(7 States) Though born in Indiana, Jana moved every couple years in her childhood due to her father's constant work relocation. Adaptations. Renewal. While uncomfortable at first -a common reaction to change- she eventually found solace in the movement.
(6 Years) Jana graduated as Presidential Scholar from Western Michigan University where she recieved a BFA in Musical Theatre Performance. She did what she wanted to do and moved to beautiful, lively, loud, gritty, brilliant New York City. She found homes and left them. Wrote songs and sang them. Rock. Wild. Albums. Toured. Experienced the experience.
Then she moved to Colombia.
(15 Countries)
This is where jazz came in. Latin Jazz. Bachata dancing. Green trees and Blue Gods. Love and Balance. A new perspective. She taught English and sang in Spanish. She cooked with plantains and became a published author. She had traveled through her twenties but nothing was (nor will ever be) Colombia.
She moved to Holland where she received a Master in Vocal Jazz. Her research "Creating a Communication Between Refugee, Expat, and Local Women Using Vocal Improvisation" won 1st Prize at the Fontys International Music and Research Competition. Learning. Failing. Flailing. Climbing. Developing. But ever-and-always...growing.
2019. Maternal instincts and seismic movement. Slashed realities and back to her roots. The return to Indiana. Reverse Culture Shock. Remembering. Relearning. Revolutions and Reconnecting. Her songs are her stories.